Friday, October 13, 2006


How long it was since you last received a letter?? A hand written oficially letter?? When was the last time you wrote a letter? Did you ever? Who was it for? What was it for?

I dont know about you, but I cant recall the last time I send something x correo postal. It surely was so long ago.

If you say: I dont write letters but e-mails. That may count, but not really... How many of our emails really say something. Most of them are just "stuff" things that need to be solved, to be done, information to be sent, practical everyday "stuff".

Recorda lo que es escribir una carta, you sit, you think, you write... talvez xq te lleva más tiempo, se escriben otro tipo de cosas, más narración, más mensaje, más contenido.

Doesnt matter if you do it on ur outlook or on ink, when was the last time you really WROTE something for someone, telling not only what you needed to be solved or done, but what is going on in u, what u think, what u feel, what u dream, what they mean and how much u care.

Yeah, alright I saw a nice movie about letters coming to and fro building a darling story... but that was not what made me write this post, nop.

Today I´d received a letter, a nice, lovely, printed letter, written in my/our language, delivered on my own way (bombas 4 last), with a wonderful surprise on it from a dearest and beloved friend. Of course yes, my liebche, count me on, I´ll be there.

That made me write.
There is a special charm about paper...


hilda said...

Q lindo q te motives para escribir. Te extraño online y en tu blog. Tenes temas para rato.. habla de arnet, habla del customer svc, habla de lo q quieras pero no pares,, esa sos vos. Loquatious one.


Vicky said...

Fero. Keanu me moviliza aunque no sea del bando ;)
Hilda, dear am not as talkative as i was... (old times) remember when we used to take the 40s, y decias q no paraba de hablar... :P

Aún así, no respondieron mi prgnta, hace cuanto q no reciben una real carta?

Santi Cámp said...

Es cierto, de acuerdo y mucho....
es una de las cosas malas que surgen con el avance de la tecnología (que tiene muchas cosas buenas)...

y no es que reemplazamos el mail por las cartas, porque no se dice lo mismo ...

y respondiendo vergonzosamente a tu pregunta....creo que hace más de 7 años...(las notas pegadas en la heladera cuentan?)

Unknown said...

carta como tal
long time ago...