Sunday, April 16, 2006


At the end of the day, why do we write?
We write to remember,
we write to be remembered,
we write to discover who we are,
or determine it for others.
Our words will always outlive us,
immortalizing us if not always powerful enough to make us immortal.

Although if we choose our words well,
there will always be a way back to life,
a way to and fro through time.
Someone will always feel us like it was yesterday,
someone will smell our skin again, if we choose our words well.

If we choose our words well there need not always be a last.
If we choose our words well there will always be a way to find us.


Anonymous said...


Esto me hizo pensar en un montón de gente.......

En sus palabras ........

En las mías........

No doubt, que nuestras palabras marcan rumbos y determinan todo.

Thanks 4 sharing!!!

benjamin1974© said...

Like a dictionary our words define our ideas and what we think. Our actions who we really are.